"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Monday, July 20, 2015

Well it has been another week full of great ups and downs

Monday went out to try and meet with Ollivie again but he was not home. We then tried to meet with an investigator named Natacha but yet again they were not home.

Wednesday we tried to meet with Thierry again but neither he nor his family were home and another investigator that is a friend of a member did not show up. So we did alot more contacting and finding people to teach.

Thursday was a great district meeting, one of the elders brought a great lesson on how being prideful on the mission interferes with the work. After that we went and took one of our amazing ward missionaries out to lunch, he is always ready and willing to help us out.

So here is a really truly amazing thing that happened. On Friday we go to visit Rasolo and Colette again and start a lesson with them. And again they were amazingly prepared for the lesson and had questions from the Sunday School lessons that somehow just work with what we were teaching. Then we ask how there reading is going, Colette tells us "Elders, I have read every pamphlet (they do have everyone) and some of them twice and I am in 2 Nephi 8", lets just say that we were just completely blown away by that. Then at the end of the lesson they gave us a little snack and we" were like "man these people are just so amazing". Finally during that little snack we were talking and we learned that missionaries had never knocked on their door, not ever, so they had no idea that it the church even existed. Colette said "I never knew that I was looking for the true church, but you elders, you have brought us our salvation". I was just so touched by that, up until that point I had never had anything like that so far on my mission, it was truly another great time with them.

Then the next day on Saturday we didn't get a single lesson so I guess you win some and lose some.

But the thought we can get from this is that there are people that have never been contacted; people that are just down the other path or that other house that the missionaries don't ever knock on but they are there. I feel blessed to have found these people, by going down that little path that had never had missionaries on before. There is amways someone ready to recieve.

So that is the week everyone, a bit short (I sorta forgot my planner so I couldn't remember everything) but we did some good work. Have an awesome week everyone!

Elder Nelson

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