"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Monday, October 5, 2015

Great week, that is all I have to say about it

Monday we relaxed a bit and played so much basketball, it was great and we were dominating. Then that evening  we had a little family home evening with a part member family named Labarre and Dennis where they fed us some great food, voajombory  with henakisoa (beans with pork) there was so much but it was so good and they insisted that we kept eating. We then shared a small spiritual thought about the importance of prayer and scripture study in our personal lives and with our families and they just loved it and promised to begin praying and studying the scriptures as a family whenever they could.

Tuesday has sorta turned into our meeting day. We always have to go back and forth to the church for our various meetings through out the week which just wastes time going back and forth so to fix that we ended up just stacking all of our meetings on Tuesday. Now we are at the church for just one day and can spend the rest of the week out working.

Wednesday I got to go on a split... to Ampefiloha! Yep I got to go back to my last area and got to work with the Zone Leaders trainee Elder Francom. It  was so fun going back there, Elders Delbar and Francom are just tearing it up. I got to see and teach some people that I have never met before that coul really progress and also see some good friends and people that I used to visit which was a huge plus.

Then I think I will end this with Sunday and it was such a good day in the fact that we were able to keep going all day. So we had church in the morning but as it was fast Sunday we went out to work right after. We had plans and and so many back up plans that as times fell through (which a few did) we were able to go and teach someone else right after which just made for a great end to the week.

Our week was great and it just flew by, I hope that the rest of you all had a great week as well and that we all have another one incoming, until next time,

Elder Nelson

A split that I had with Elder Kissi last week

I walked into a small pole that had spikes on the side (it was dark) but it ended up tearing a nice hole in my pants, you could say I was not happy that night (also Elder Pinson is pretending that a colored pencil is a wand in the picture)

Elder Francom from my split

Rado and Hanitra, a recent convert family that I used to teach

More Elder Francom

A family that we teach that just moved to another missionaries area, we were sad to see them go

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