"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Monday, July 25, 2016

Time just flies

Hey everyone, this week has just flown by and I am just stunned by that. The area, investigators, and recent converts are just doing great and I am just ready to end the mission hard, as my brother said just go "super saiyan".

We had a great lesson with Roger this past Tuesday which is good, especially as it was my last one with him, he went up to Tamatave the day after our lesson. I am a bit sad that I cn't see him again but the lesson on the Book of Mormon and the encouragement to continue learning and attend church in Tamatave was well worth it.

I got to head out with Elder Monsen to his area for baptisimal interviews and went to an area called Amalavato which was in ambala be (the dialect here for ambanivohitra). All of the people past and one woman named Vonjy was so happy that when we left her house she started chearing and waving her arms back and forth, it was way awesome.

Then this past Sunday I had the chance to say my last words to the members here in Fianarantsoa as I am heading up to Tana this Friday. I shared Alma 37:37 on the concept of prayer, something that has taken enourmous importance to me over my mission. I just want to say to everyone that no matter where we are whether it be in some foreign country or back at home God still hears our prayers and if we take the time to talk with Him, and discuss what to do, then we get so much in return.

I love this gospel and the chance that I have had to serve. These last few days won't know what hit them,
Elder Nelson


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