Man this week has been so unusual, interesting, and at the same time very spiriual, so lets get down to it.
Ok, starting on Tuesday- This is the day where we go to an area way from where we usually work, Depot, we get there and most of the potential appointments that we had lined up just died, nothing what so ever. So we just went out and tracted/ contacted until the time for our next lesson. First let me tell you all that tracting and contacting is not the most enjoyable experience of being a missionary; constantly going to a door or a person hoping that we can get in to teach a lesson but most of the time it is just giving a brief explanation of who we are, giving a fanasana (little piece of paper, literally means invitation/inviting) for them top come to church. We did that for a good while and went to our lesson which actually went pretty well. As we left that we begin heading up the path and I hear this random voice yelling at us. Turn around and there is this guy at the gate of his house, waving us in. This is quite an unusual event mind you so we go over and he brings us into his house. We talk a bit but we aren't really sure what he wants, he's just talking for a very long time. In the end we leave him with a fanasana and an invitation to church. Hold on to that really for a bit, it will be relavent later on.
On Thursday we had in fact a very excellent lesson with J and his wife. His wife had been away in ambanivolo (countryside) for the last little while and hadn't been learning with us. But she eventually came back and our times with Juno have just perked right up, Juno is remembering things better, his wife enjoys having us around, and the lessons are just fun. Juno is helping his wife learn and even challenging her which I think is helping him so much.
Friday it rained all day, constantly. We trackted alot, and that was about it. Most of our times fell through.
When we went out to work again on Saturday it was still raining and we found that sections of our area were underwater. The main road in Veriry was so bad, flooded up about 3/4 up my calf so about knee height for Elder Anderson and the Malagasies and we got to walk through it to get to lessons. Luckily we had water shoes so it wasn't bad.
Sunday was so awesome because we got to go to a place called the Mercy Ship. It is this giant boat that services Africa and gives free medical care for people who cannot afford it for example surgeries or growths or fixing cleft lips. We got to go on because there is a member who works on the ship and made it possible for us to get a tour as her guests. It ws so nice but I felt so out of place and also I got some weird looks from people. Mercy Ship doesn't like us because it is run by a different church and they don't like us but what ever, it was a great tour and we got an awesome meal out of it.
At church that day I was looking around and I saw a face I didn't recognize. i thought harder and it just clicked, it was the guy from Tuesday who waved us in, I had completely forgotten about him; his name is Antonio. Never has it happened that a random person that we have invited to church actually comes, never ever has that happened, he even brought his wife and kid! He participated in all of the classes, answering and asking questions, it was so weird but so awesome at the same time. We will see how he does as time goes by.
That is it for this week, have a good week all!
-Elder Nelson
Lastly I am sorry to say but my camera is pretty much dead, I have no idea how or why but I can't get pictures until I can find a replacement one. i don't know why we didn't get a water and shock proof camera, that should have been so clear. I will send a picture of what my camera looks like when I take a picture.
some service for our Branch President not this last saturday but the one before
our BP, and we just painted the front of his house
(Elder Nelson's mom here- I'm thinking this is what he means by the camera being nearly dead. At least, the sky in the next picture is the same pink as the house on our computer.)
Elder Anderson in Veriry
Morarano -it had been raining for two days, didn't rain yesterday but it did in the evening
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