"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Monday, March 23, 2015

My comp is from France!

Well, this week was interesting and tiring, so tiring but so good

On Monday we visited a few people that we usually visit (and a suprise meal from our Branch President) and those visits were some of the best that we have ever had with them.

On Tuesday I said goodbye to my mom Elder Anderson, I will miss him a ton but for know I will be with my new companion Elder Connault; He is from France, Bretaget(close enough, sounds like britain with a hard "e" on the end). Elder Connault only has about three months left on his mission and is just amazingly fun to work with. For the rest of Tuesday I was on a split with Elder Tiu and Elder Razafindresetra in Ambolomandinika which was so good, if I every come back to Tamatave to work (and if I got to choose) I would want to go to their area.

Wednesday I was again on a split until about 3:30 when Elder Connault arrived, got him home, and started work.

The rest of the week we just worked so hard, going the fastest that we could to get to appointments and if one fell through we just went to someone that we didn't get to visit in the week. Seriously yesterday (Sunday) was just visiting back up plans, our entire normal schedule just poof gone.

Just one cool thing about this week is that I learned from elder Connault that it is ok infact even better to show people what we are speaking, using examples, finding ways to help these people to see, really to see what it is that we are teaching. Simpler is better in almost every instance.

That is about it for this week, quick shout out to all of the people that have gotten mission calls great job, you're going to love it! Until next week,

Elder Nelson

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