"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Monday, May 4, 2015


Hey everyone, this has been a great week! I have been transfered, got my new companion, am learning the area, had great lessons, and had the opportunity to bear my testimony at church.

So Monday I said goodbye to a lot of the great people that I love in Tamatave, they are all so awesome.

Tuesday I travelled to Tana, got there in the afternoon, met my companion Elder Munanira and got to work. We spent most of the time visiting people so that Elder Ahlstrom (the elder I am replacing) could say good bye and take some pictures.

On Thursday we went to this area called Anosipatrina (?) where we ended up doing a bit a tracting which is fine with me right now, it helps me see more of the area. But our last lesson of the evening is what really made the day special. We teach these people named Voanghy and Ory; they have been learning for a while and Elder Munanira tells me that they may be dropped soon (which would be a shame I think, they seem like very cool people) but we get into the lesson and we teach about the Plan of Salvation. The thing was that this lesson just flowed, you could feel the Spirit. We taught them things according to their needs and they were actually listening, not the usual blank stare but actively listening and learning, intriged (?) by our lesson. At the end we invited them again to church and apparently in the past when ever they were invited the just said no because they have their own church. But this time, after what I believe was a Spirit led lesson they said they would come in two weeks because of prior plans. It was just such a good lesson.

Friday I got sick, so we went home and I slept for a couple of hours. After that and some medicine I felt much better.

On Sunday I had the wonderful opportunity (honestly it is great) to bear my testimony to the congregation here in Ampefiloha, I believe that it went well and everyone enjoyed it. Our last lesson was with some recent converts that we stopped at for a short visit but we got interupted by this random drunk guy who wasn't really etting anything that we were saying but at least I got to meet the recent converts and get a relationship going with them.

That is about all for this week I think, have an awesome week ianao ireo tsirairay (every single one of you)
Elder Nelson

Elder Munanira, camera randomly decided to work for a bit

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