"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Monday, April 13, 2015

Happy Conference! (for those in America or other such places)

Hey everyone! I hope that you all had a good time at Conference, for those of us here in Mada we have yet to see it (small price to pay I suppose). Now for the rundown of this past week.

On Monday we had a great Family Home Evening with Elisette and her family. We taught them the way to have FHE, our member help brought a spiritual thought, we gave a little bit more instruction, and we ended with a super fun game. It is basically you go in a circle, the first person says a word, the next repeats and adds a word then on and on. It was such an awesome time, especially as I was teaching something that I had been doing for as long as I remember.

This week also though was a bit rough, working wise, as Elder Connault got sick a few times this week so we were in the house for a while but at least it was a time to 1.) Study/ read the scriptures 2.) Study Malagasy and 3.) Catch up on sleep, and I can tell you all that some of all of that was done.

So on Sunday we got quite a little suprise, we had 8 investigators at church and 1 less active that we have been trying to get to come for such a long time. One of the investigators that came, his name is Norbert, has never come to church, ever, as far as I am aware before this last Sunday. For most people they would have been dropped by now but Norbert is the father of a member named Frido (who is a bro by the way) which makes him and the rest of his family a part member family so we need to stick with them. The other is another part member family who apparently just got Vita Soratra (legally married) and now say they can come to church because they are legal and everything now, I don't know and I'm not going to argue it.

Finally Alfred, the less active. The reason that Alfred has not been coming to church is because he needs to work alot and his boss won't give him the day off which normally we understand but we also knew that he could make it to Sacrament Meeting because well he used to. We kept visiting him and nothing was happening. Then we learn that our Branch President had gone to Alfred's house, you know just to visit and all, and together they figured out a way for Alfred to at least come to Sacrament. This is just so awesome because missionaries have been visiting Alfred for a while and almost nothing has come of it. Then comes the Branch President and Alfred comes to church. This shows that visits from members truly do have an impact. I hope that we all won't forget that.

That is about it for this week everyone, go and have another great one!

Elder Nelson

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