"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Monday, July 27, 2015

Less Actives everywhere

Salama ianareo! Tena tsy mamiryfiry instony eto Antananarivo.

Hey everyone, this week has been great; we managed to meet with alot of less active members this week and we have been trying to contact in this one section of our area and really get it going.

Tuesday we had a super good lesson with an investigator named James and he is just well words can't say right now. We talked with him and just answered any questions that he had and we talked about some really interesting gospel topics and other things about him. He has apparently visited 5-6 different countries due to his work (he is a statician) and he is way smart. we left him with a 1st pamphlet and he said that there may be many more questions next time.

On Wednesday we got a whole bunch of LA and RC (Elder Nelson's mom here: I'm guessing these are less active and recent convert) lessons. Joseph and Pierlette, our recent convert family, are doing great and are loving their time in the church. We got to meet with a new less active that we didn't know about named Solo. He seems just like a great guy and I would love to visit him alot but it might be a bit difficult to catch him as he travels alot for work but we got to meet with him and encouraged him to keep studying the scriptures.

Friday we once again had a great lesson with Rasolo and Colette. We had our DMP with us and we learned about tithing; what it is, where it goes, how to do it, and the blessings that we recieve from faithfully paying our tithing. Our lesson after that was with a person named Delphin and it is hard meeting with him. Most people have some understanding of who God is; he is our father, he loves us and wants to bless us. But during the lesson I had a small thought come to my mind so I asked him "Delphin, who is God to you?" he replied "now don't get angry but to me God discriminates people. There is so much inequality here; people are rich, others are poor, people do well while others just get dumped on". Because of that it just clicked on why he hadn't really been enjoying the lesson; to him it was not right. So we changed gears a tiny bit and began teaching and helping Delphin see that God really is his father, that there is a need for inequality right now in this life- so we can learn to make choices, to make the difference between right and wrong, and that God is just ready to listen and help him. We left them with a committment to really pray and to read that pamplets that we had already left with him.

Saturday we gave Rasolo's son and his wife a baptisimal date! If they feel that they are ready they will be baptized on October 3.

I think that is it for this week everyone, just have a great one!

Elder Nelson

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