"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved."

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Conference time again! (have I said that before?)

(Elder Nelson's mom here.  I didn't have time to get this up yesterday.  He did write on his regularly scheduled Monday.)

Hi everyone, sorry but this is going to have to be short but here are some of the great things that happened this week;

Monday we had a FHE with our first counselor named Emille and they had some great questions on how they could help us more and get the work moving faster, we discussed about some great things and it was just great to talk and get to know more about the members in our area. Then right after we got to meet a referal that they wanted us to teach named Miarintsoa and had dinner with them saucisse sy hericots vert (sausage and green beans) with fresh juice, twas delicious.

We are still working with Faly and he is getting better, slowly but surely, thank you all for your prayers on his behalf.

We have this young family named Hery and Tina and they are amazing. When Hery first got the Book of Mormon he apparently stayed up until 3 in the morning reading and Tina has already come to church once! This past week we committed them to baptism for the end of May, way excited for that.

It happend to be Elder Raynolds' birthday this past week and Ihad the great pleasure of breaking an egg on his head and pouring flour all over. I have a video that I will hopefully get oput next week of the event.

Lastly we had Conference this past weekend! I was great to hear from our great leaders and it truly was great to feel the Spirit during their talks and to learn from it, Conference is amazing!

That is about it everyone, love ya all but I gotta go! have a great week!
Elder Nelson

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